How to add click-to-chat Whatsapp button

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It used to be cool when your website visitors can direct-click on the email on your website, and boom:: the email software in your PC/phone opens up direct to a new message, ready for you to type your email.

Fast forward a bit. Technology then allowed your website visitors to click on the phone number on your website, and boom:: the phone app in your phone opens with the phone no already typed out, waiting for you to just press the Call button.

Ain’t technology cool? And that’s why I’m on it (I’m a web developer in Singapore, BTW). Anyways …

Fast forward a bit more and now ……. your website visitors can just click a button on your website and directly Whatsapp-chat with you!

A simple demo here:
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Well, to some it might be old news already. But to many others, this is something pleasantly shocking, because many website owners are preferring chat over phone calls, and that too whatsapp-chat.

So, what better time to implement this but now?

Option 1: Do it yourself
It’s actually just a simple HTML  link. Nothing too technical. If you know basic html, and know how to place an image, make a href link on it, then that’s about all the skillset you need.
So, you just place the image where you want, and make a hyperlink on it, as follows: (where 6591097721 is your full international phone number (that means in my case, 65 is my country code and 91097721 is my phone number)

That’s it!

Option 2: Let a Pro do it for you
I’m a web and app developer based in Singapore. Option 1 is good and simple for those who have the initial pre-requisites already. Not so for people who don’t even know what is HTML.
In that case, I can help you do this on your website.

How to Contact Me?
I know it’s a stupid question, but I have to repeat the answer anyway.

Yeah, that’s right, just click the whatsapp icon to chat with me. If you prefer other ways, do check out my Contact Page in Getcha Solutions.

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